5 Running Tips for Beginners and Why to Start It

Dan Constantin
3 min readJan 3, 2022

For me, running started really out of nowhere. One evening I found myself having in mind this ‘crazy idea’ of how would feel like to run few kilometers. It was this little idea which led to thousand of km afterwards and tons of endorphins or how it’s popular called — Runner’s High scenes.

Getting back to this first run and, to be honest, first kilometers where awful. The process itself was painful with a mix of jogging and walking and my mind chattering about “what the f*** am i doing here?”.

Only when I was back home I realized that the state of mind was nothing to compare with. It is like falling in love over and over again (could be a little bit exaggerated but only to give you an idea of how it feels like after the actual run). It is well known the fact that running helps out with stress release, builds up energy and in some way it will also help to cope with everything you dealing with throughout the days.

After all these runs over the past 3 years I would suggest 5 tips to each and every man out there wanting to make these first steps.

  1. It is not about the metrics(how long, how fast, how strong, etc.). What it is really important is just go out there and enjoy the process and also the outcome.
  2. Track your runs. This will help you to build a habit. If you…



Dan Constantin

Passionate about Trail Running, Hiking, Reading and Writing. Licensed Mech Engineer working in logistics :)